Our customer forum - ask your questions about INSTAR IP cameras, INSTAR software and general smarthome and security solutions.
Knowledgebase for everything IP Camera Surveillance and Smart Living
Testing the MQTT and HTTP Alarmserver v2 API.
6 months ago
In this guide, we will show you how to perform IPv6 port activation on your AVM Fritzbox.
10 months ago
Can you please check the triggered alarms in MQTT?
I have been trying to use the 2K cameras with the IoBroker for days now. The cameras all appear with its tree in the IoBroker, but unfortunately all variables are always null. If I want to set a value, I can, but it does not arrive in the camera.
a year ago
The CGI examples mentioned in the documentation under `ptzmove` unfortunately do not work with my IN-9420 2K+.
Is there already an update or a description of how the 9420 can also be integrated into blue iris?
I want to embed my cameras live video in a web page. Is it possible to access the live video without having access to the web user interface?
How can I verify that the correct header is being used by my camera's alarm server in Node-RED?
All 2K+ WQHD models now allow you to set custom headers for Alarmserver Request.
How can I use go2RTC for your Cameras Live Video in Home Assistant, ioBroker and Node-RED?
How do I set up a 2fa authentication and password recovery for my camera?
2 years ago
Unfortunately we can't get the IN-9408 2K+ POE recognized with ONVIF, none of the programs from the wiki recognize the camera. What can we do?
Is it possible to trigger a recording with a smarthome system through the MQTT interface?
Are there any MQTT topics that are updated automatically in an interval?
Is it possible to use MQTT to control my camera from my webpage?
I cannot update my camera via it's web user interface because our firewall restricts the internet access. What URLs and ports does the camera need to be open to perform online updates?
Can I see if a software update is available for my camera and trigger the update by sending a MQTT update
Is it possible to trigger this alarmserver test via the MQTT interface?
I am using RabbitMQ in my smarthome and want to connect my INSTAR 2k+ WQHD IP MQTT camera.
I installed my MQTT camera according to your guide in ioBroker. But now I do use the MQTT Adapter as my primary MQTT Broker - not as a MQTT Client. And I am unable to update Command Topics through the ioBroker object tree.
How can I use the the ioBroker MQTT Adapter as the Alarmserver of my WQHD 2k+ Camera?
How can I use the the ioBroker Simple RESTful API Adapter as the Alarmserver of my WQHD 2k+ Camera?
How can I add my WQHD 2k+ cameras MJPEG Stream or snapshot to my ioBroker Vis dashboard?
I am using OpenHab in Docker and tried to add my camera using the ipcamera binding. But I am unable to access the video stream or snapshot.
Using the OpenHab IPCamera Binding to connect your camera.
I have a 9008 and 9408 in operation. With the 9008, I have always been able to use an Apache proxy to assign an arbitrary domain to the MJPG stream. Is it generally no longer possible to use the stream via proxy?
Despite, as I think, correct inputs, I get no contact to the cam. Is there perhaps a back door to establish contact from my Linux PC?
I want to connect my camera to Apple Homekit but it always fails. Is there a way to access the corresponding error log?
I have integrated my camera into the Synology Surveillance Station. However, Synology tells me that when areas are coupled, there is no alarm notification to the SSS. How to solve the problem?
I want to use my camera to notify my smarthome and home alarm system if it spots an intruder.
How can I view my h265 video recordings with the windows media player?
I am getting too many false alarms during the night with my IN-9408 2k+ WQHD. But there is no issue during the day. What am I doing wrong?
How to adjust the Motion Detection Areas of my WQHD Camera for an optimal Result?
How does the image quality of the new 2k+ WQHD line compare to the old Full HD cameras?
I want to use my IN-9408 2k+ with the new Version of Home Assistant. How can I add my cameras live stream to the Home Assistant dashboard?
3 years ago
I want to use my IN-9408 2k+ with the new Version of Home Assistant. The camera MQTT Broker supports the new MQTTv5. How can use this interface to control my camera?
I want to use my IN-9408 2k+ with the new Version 3 of Node-RED. The camera MQTT Broker supports the new MQTTv5. How can use this interface to control my camera?
I want to use my IN-9408 2k+ with the new Version 3 of OpenHAB. The camera MQTT Broker supports the new MQTTv5. How can use this interface to control my camera?
I want to use my IN-9408 2k+ with the new Version 7 of ioBroker. The camera MQTT Broker supports the new MQTTv5. How can use this interface to control my camera?
I want to use my cameras FTP service to upload alarm recordings and snapshot series to my Linux Server (Raspberry Pi).
My web space provider Strato recently deactivated the FTP service that I was using for my alarm recording. Can I still upload my videos using the INSTAR WQHD camera series?
Use the official Docker image to set up your FHEM Server.