OpenHab3 IpCamera Binding with an WQHD Camera

Q: I am using OpenHab in Docker and tried to add my camera using the ipcamera binding. But I am unable to access the video stream or snapshot. Even though the binding shows that my camera is connected.

A: First make sure that your OpenHab installation is using the correct network interface to be able to communicate with your camera.

Secondly, make sure that the Docker container has FFMPEG installed. To install a package inside the container you need to either find the container ID or name - in the following example those are 47b018eec7ed and openhab - I will be using the latter in following commands:

docker ps

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                              NAMES
47b018eec7ed   openhab/openhab:milestone-alpine   openhab

Now you can execute a command inside your OpenHab container to install FFMPEG. For an Alpine container this is apk add ffmpeg and for a Debian based container use apt install ffmpeg:

docker exec -ti openhab apk add ffmpeg

Verify that the installation was successful by running the following commands:

docker exec -ti openhab ls -la /usr/bin/ffmpeg
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        272472 Sep 27 18:39 /usr/bin/ffmpeg

docker exec -ti openhab ffmpeg -h
ffmpeg version 5.1.2 Copyright (c) 2000-2022 the FFmpeg developers

Now you can use the INSTAR Camera with API preset provided by the camera binding to add your camera:

OpenHab3 IpCamera Binding with an WQHD Camera

The binding will work out-of-the-box but you can also make some adjustments:

OpenHab3 IpCamera Binding with an WQHD Camera

The binding will work out-of-the-box but you can also make some adjustments - for example, the binding will preselect the video and snapshot channel it is going to use. Be careful when changing the ffmpeg input URL - the binding will be using the second (Full HD) stream here instead of the first (WQHD). This is done due to the fact that the highest resolution is streamed encoded in h.265 instead of h.264 which will cause issues:

OpenHab3 IpCamera Binding with an WQHD Camera

The binding then offers a wide range of items that you can use in OpenHab (see also OpenHAB v3 Configuration for your WQHD INSTAR MQTTv5 Broker for even more options):

OpenHab3 IpCamera Binding with an WQHD Camera

Under Channels we can now select what we want to use in OpenHab by binding those Channels to Items - I will choose the MJPEG URL that I am going to use to display the camera's live video:

OpenHab3 IpCamera Binding with an WQHD Camera

Simply accept the default settings here to create a New Item:

OpenHab3 IpCamera Binding with an WQHD Camera

And repeat those steps with the Image URL that can be used as a thumbnail for our camera on the OpenHab Dashboard:

OpenHab3 IpCamera Binding with an WQHD Camera

You should now be able to see both the MJPEG and Image URL under Model. Those URLs can be used to access your camera's live stream and snapshot - you can test them by opening them in your web browser:

OpenHab3 IpCamera Binding with an WQHD Camera

To display the live video I want to use the Official Camera Widget. Go to Developer Tools and click to create a new widget:

OpenHab3 IpCamera Binding with an WQHD Camera

Copy the widget code from (see link above - or code at the end of this article), paste it in and click save:

OpenHab3 IpCamera Binding with an WQHD Camera

To add the widget to your dashboard go to pages and click on the + (on a fresh page you need to create a block, row and column first):

OpenHab3 IpCamera Binding with an WQHD Camera

This opens a menu that should now list the widget you created earlier:

OpenHab3 IpCamera Binding with an WQHD Camera

Click to configure the empty widget:

OpenHab3 IpCamera Binding with an WQHD Camera

And paste in the Image (Thumbnail) and MJPEG (Stream) URL from the Model menu:

OpenHab3 IpCamera Binding with an WQHD Camera

Save your settings and open the page on your dashboard:

OpenHab3 IpCamera Binding with an WQHD Camera

Widget Code:

uid: ClickableCameraImage
    - description: "example:"
      label: Thumbnail URL
      name: thumbnailURL
      required: true
      type: TEXT
    - description: "example:"
      label: Stream URL
      name: streamURL
      required: true
      type: TEXT
    - context: item
      label: Select the Camera to Control
      name: camera
      required: false
      type: TEXT
    - label: Show Equipment Controls
      name: showSettings
      required: true
      type: BOOLEAN
    - label: Show Audio Alarms
      name: showAudioAlarms
      required: true
      type: BOOLEAN
    - label: Show Motion Alarms
      name: showMotionAlarms
      required: true
      type: BOOLEAN
    - context: item
      label: Item to Switch
      name: switchItem
      required: false
      type: TEXT
component: f7-card
    --f7-card-margin-horizontal: 0px
    height: 9rem
    width: 16rem
    - component: oh-image-card
        action: photos
          lazy: true
          theme: dark
          type: popup
        actionPhotos: =[props.streamURL]
        lazy: true
          border-radius: 6px
          height: 9rem
          margin: 0px
          width: 100%
        url: =props.thumbnailURL
    - component: f7-card-content
    - component: oh-link
        action: toggle
        actionCommand: true
        actionCommandAlt: false
        actionItem: =props.switchItem
        iconF7: power
        iconSize: 25
          color: "=(items[props.switchItem].state === 'ON') ? 'cyan' : 'white'"
          left: 0.2rem
          opacity: "=(items[props.switchItem].state === 'ON') ? '0.4' : '0.3'"
          position: absolute
          top: 0rem
        visible: =props.switchItem !== undefined
    - component: oh-link
        action: group
        iconF7: gear_alt
        iconSize: 25
          color: white
          opacity: 0.4
          position: absolute
          right: 0.2rem
          top: 0rem
        visible: =props.showSettings === true
    - component: oh-link
        iconF7: eye
        iconSize: 18
        visible: =props.showMotionAlarms === true
          color: white
          opacity: '=(props.showMotionAlarms !== true) ? "0" : (items[ + "_MotionAlarm"].state === "ON") ? "0.5" : "0" '
          position: absolute
          right: 0.2rem
          top: 7.8rem
    - component: oh-link
        iconF7: ear
        iconSize: 18
        visible: =props.showAudioAlarms === true
          color: white
          left: 0rem
          opacity: '=(props.showAudioAlarms !== true) ? "0" : (items[ + "_AudioAlarm"].state === "ON") ? "0.5" : "0" '
          position: absolute
          top: 7.7rem