Differences between Day and Night Motion Detection Mode

Q: I am getting too many false alarms during the night with my IN-9408 2k+ WQHD. But there is no issue during the day. What am I doing wrong?

A: All WQHD models have to different Motion Detection Modes - the daylight/artificial light colour mode and a night mode that is optimized for detecting moving high-contrast edges in monochromatic images.

Day / Colour Mode

When your camera runs in colour mode the software motion detection (those are the Alarm Areas) is optimized to detect changes in colour:

WQHD Cameras and Motion Detection Areas Day & Night Mode

As you can see in the example above the motion detection algorithm primarily reacts to the coloured interior of each square. Changes in light intensity might change the colour value of a pixel - but the alarm detection due to light changes is largely suppressed as changes in light condition - moving shadows, light reflections, etc. - are a primary cause for false alerts.

Night / Monochrome Mode

When your camera runs in black&white mode the software motion detection (those are the Alarm Areas) is optimized to detect changes in light intensity:

WQHD Cameras and Motion Detection Areas Day & Night Mode

As you can see in the example above the motion detection algorithm primarily reacts to the movement of the high contrast edges around each square. The brightness of the coloured interior is mostly constant and ignored by the algorithm.


Due to the different detection modes for day and night you might want to use different settings for your detection areas. Go to Alarm/Shedule and split the alarm areas into two sets - one for night, the other for day mode and adjust the sensitivity of each set accordingly:

WQHD Cameras and Motion Detection Areas Day & Night Mode