Auto-Refreshing MQTT Topics in Node-RED

Q: The MQTT Topics of my camera are updated when I interact with my camera, e.g. through the WebUI. There is also the MQTT Alarmserver topic that is updated every time an alarm is triggered. Are there any topics that are updated automatically in an interval? I read that this is planned for Update Availability on your Forum.

A: This function is going to be added the MQTT service with one of the following firmware updates (state 04/15/2023):

  1. The brightness sensor readout will now be updated automatically. Allowing you to trigger events when your camera switches from day to night mode
  2. Your camera also provides a base64 encoded snapshot that is updated in a 10s interval.

Auto-Refreshing MQTT Topics in Node-RED

  1. Update availability and update progress will be added. You will now be able to be notified about new updates and also to update your camera through MQTT.

Auto-Refreshing MQTT Topics in Node-RED

You can download this Flow from Github and import it into Node-Red using the Import function. Please note that the flow was build with camera that had the MQTT client prefix cameras/ and client IDs 115, 120. Replace cameras/115/ and cameras/120/ according to your camera configuration:

Auto-Refreshing MQTT Topics in Node-RED