Trigger a System Update through the MQTT Interface

Q: Can I see if a software update is available for my camera and trigger the update by sending a MQTT update?

A: The installed as well as the available software version is checked once after every reboot of your camera. The corresponding MQTT Topics are:

  • status/system/update/available: {"val":"0"} - {"val":"1"}
  • status/system/update/current: e.g. {"val":"462"}
  • status/system/update/latest: e.g. {"val":"462"}

Trigger a System Update through the MQTT Interface

In the screenshot above the installed firmware version is 461, an update is available and the newest available version is 462.

You can trigger an update by sending the payload {"val":"1"} to the MQTT topic:

  • system/update/now: {"val":"1"}

The update might take a while to download and install. Wait at least 5min before sending a {"val":"1"} to the reboot topic:

  • system/reboot/now: {"val":"1"}

Note that you will not see the update state refresh before your camera restarted:

Trigger a System Update through the MQTT Interface

After the update both the current and latest software will be on the same version.