ioBroker REST API with your WQHD Camera

Q: How can I use the the ioBroker Simple RESTful API Adapter as the Alarmserver of my WQHD 2k+ Camera?

A: Start by running an instance of the adapter:

ioBroker REST API with your WQHD Camera

Configure the adapter to use a interface on the same network as your camera. You can also adjust the port the service is working on - the default value is 8087:

ioBroker REST API with your WQHD Camera

Now switch to the object tree and and create a folder for cameras with subfolders for each camera inside the userdata directory:

ioBroker REST API with your WQHD Camera

At the end of this folder structure we now need to add a datapoint that we will be able to toggle by calling the REST endpoint:

ioBroker REST API with your WQHD Camera

I created my datapoint Alarmserver in 0_userdata/0/Cameras/INSTAR120 and my ioBroker instance is running on a server with the IP address on the default port 8087. I can test this REST endpoint from my browser or a tool like Postman:

ioBroker REST API with your WQHD Camera

Sending a GET request successfully toggled the endpoint and it now has a value of 1.

To configure your camera by opening the Alarmserver Menu and add the URL you just called above:

ioBroker REST API with your WQHD Camera

Save your settings and click on the Test button to send a request:

ioBroker REST API with your WQHD Camera

The alarmserver successfully changed the value in ioBroker. All you need to do now is to select a script engine - Blockly or Node-RED - and write a script to react to this change.