Alle ioBroker Tutorials
- ioBroker with Docker (Updated 08.04.2024)
- ioBroker on a Raspberry Pi (deprecated)
- INSTAR MQTT - ioBroker
All ioBroker FAQs
- ioBroker v9.1.2 as MQTTv5 Client for your WQHD INSTAR IP Camera
- ioBroker as MQTT Broker for your WQHD Camera
- ioBroker MQTT Alarmserver for your WQHD Camera
- ioBroker REST API with your WQHD Camera
- Using ioBroker with your WQHD Camera
- ioBroker v7 with your WQHD INSTAR MQTTv5 Broker
- Camera Vis with Node-RED
- Live Video and ioBroker VIS
- INSTAR MQTT Alarmserver ioBroker
- ioBroker and INSTAR Alarmserver
- ioBroker MQTT Broker vs Client
- ioBroker as MQTT Broker for your Kamera
- ioBroker MQTT Overwrites Camera Settings
- ioBroker and MotionEye Webhooks
- ioBroker w/o MQTT
IOBroker on Raspberry Pi
- INSTAR MQTT Broker und ioBroker
- Verwenden Sie ioBroker als MQTT-Broker anstelle eines MQTT-Clients
- Verwenden Sie den INSTAR MQTT Alarmserver mit ioBroker
- Verwenden Sie den INSTAR MQTT Alarmserver, um eine einfache Objektverfolgung zu erstellen
- Aktualisieren, wenn Clients eine Verbindung zu Ihrem Broker herstellen
- Hinzufügen von Kameras, die MQTT nicht unterstützen
- Verwendung des HTTP-Alarmservers anstelle des MQTT-Alarmservers
- Verwenden des Node-RED-Adapters zum Erstellen einer Visualisierung
- Ein intelligenter Weg, die Live-Videos Ihrer Kameras dem ioBroker Vis hinzuzufügen
- INSTAR MQTT und BlueIris in ioBroker
- ioBroker MQTT Adapter und Sonderzeichen
Make your camera the heart of your smart home

Using the MQTT interface of your INSTAR Full HD cameras you can connect them to an existing smarthome system (Home Assistant, OpenHAB, Node-RED, Athom Homey, Homematic, ioBroker, Loxone, homee) can be added. Or even make it the main broker for your MQTT sensors. MQTT allows you to automate ALL functions of your camera and link them to other services in your smarthome.
Control your camera via the IFTTT online service
On the IFTTT platform, we provided a service called INSTAR. The INSTAR applets provide you with the ability to control some settings of your INSTAR camera or INSTAR Cloud with IFTTT. You can connect INSTAR with triggers for location (Geo Location) and date & time, send notifications and much more. For example, you can connect INSTAR applets to the IFTTT location service and automatically disable the alarm when you arrive home. You can also use the INSTAR applets to create your own automation and connect them to other third-party applets.
ioBroker (ioBroker Website, Github) is an integration platform for the Internet of Things, focused on Building Automation, Smart Metering, Ambient Assisted Living, Process Automation, Visualization and Data Logging. Control your INSTAR IP camera with your Raspberry Pi. The following are a few tutorials that will show how to integrate your INSTAR IP camera into the automation system.
To be able to communicate with our camera, we are going to translate its CGI Command Interface to a M2M (Machine-to-Machine) communication protocol called MQTT using the Node-RED.
ioBroker runs in the Node.js Runtime and is OS-agnostic - it can be installed under most operating systems - we are going to show the installation process under Windows below. But ioBroker is clearly meant to be run on a Raspberry Pi (Rev3).