Change your cameras IP address, gateway and DNS server - all these settings are usually set up by the Installation Wizard and don´t need to be changed...
SSL Certificate
Your camera uses a valid CA SSL certificate that allows you to access the SSL web interface encrypted via your personal DDNS address. If you need your own SSL certificate, you can upload this to the camera here.
Your WiFi connection should already be set up by WPS or by the Installation Wizard. Use the WiFi scanner to connect your camera to a different WiFi network...
Remote Access
You have two ways to access your camera over the internet - the easy way is called. The only way to get complete access to all your camera´s functions is called DDNS...
UPnP Service
The UPnP standard is supposed to make your life easy. Every port that is needed publicly by a device on your network will automatically be forwarded...
ONVIF Service
The surveillance industry has created an open standard protocol called ONVIF that allows cameras to communicate with each other and with network recording devices...