Motion Detection


INSTAR 1080p Camera Series

To activate the motion detection, open the web interface of your INSTAR HD IP camera and click on the menu Alarm / Areas.

Alarm Area Setup for the 1080p Camera Series

Now that we set the motion detection areas, we can continue with adding actions, the camera has to take, in case of a detection event. Open the Alarm / Actions menu to configure the alarm actions.

Alarm Actions Setup for the 1080p Camera Series


If you have problems by receiving to many alarms you can solve that by changing your settings. Always set the sensitivity so that the motion you want to detect is detected by the camera - simply test it by walking in front of your camera. If this does not trigger an alert, you can either increase the sensitivity of the detection, or decrease the size of the detection area - the smaller the area, the higher, percentage, is the change of pixels inside the area by the event. On the other hand, if you have to increase the detection area, you also have to increase the sensitivity of the detection.

To avoid unwanted motion detection please avoid covering areas like the sky with moving clouds, busy streets in the background or big reflecting areas. To find the right camera position you can change the viewing angle a little bit or mount the camera on a different area which suits better to protects you home.

It is usually recommended to combine the software-based detection with the integrated PIR sensor of your camera.


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