Internet Protocol IPv6

What is IPv6 and how does SLAAC work?


In this article, we would like to explain IPv6, the latest version of the Internet protocol, and how SLAAC (Stateless Address Autoconfiguration) works, which we have integrated into our INSTAR 2K+ cameras. We will also show you how an IPv6 address is structured and how you can call it up in the web browser. Finally, we point out that every INSTAR 2K+ camera is equipped with an integrated DDNS address that supports both IPv4 and IPv6.

What is IPv6?

IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) is the successor to IPv4, the previous standard protocol for communication on the Internet. IPv6__ was developed to cope with the increasing number of devices connected to the Internet and offers an almost unlimited number of IP addresses.

Advantages of IPv6:

  • Larger address space: IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses, as opposed to the 32-bit addresses of IPv4. This means that IPv6 provides over 340 sextillion addresses.
  • More efficient routing**: IPv6 addresses are hierarchically structured, which makes routing on the Internet more efficient.
  • Improved security: IPv6 is designed with built-in security features, such as IPsec, which ensures secure communication over IP networks.

How does SLAAC work?

SLAAC (Stateless Address Autoconfiguration) is a method by which devices in an IPv6 network can automatically obtain an IPv6 address. It allows devices to assign themselves an IP address without the need for a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server.

How SLAAC works:

  1. Router Advertisement (RA): An IPv6 router regularly sends Router Advertisement messages to all devices in the network.
  2. Prefix detection: A device receives an RA message and extracts the prefix from the message.
  3. Create address: The device creates an IPv6 address by combining the prefix with a self-generated interface identifier. 4 Double address check: The device checks whether the created address is already in use on the network.
  4. Address usage: If the address is unique, the device uses it as its IPv6 address.

Structure of an IPv6 address

An IPv6 address consists of eight groups of four hexadecimal digits each, separated by colons. Each group represents 16 bits of the address.

Example of an IPv6 address:

  • 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334

Abbreviation of an IPv6 address:

Several consecutive groups of zeros can be replaced by “::”:

  • 2001:0db8:85a3::8a2e:0370:7334

Calling up an IPv6 address in the web browser

To call up an IPv6 address in the web browser, you must enclose the address in square brackets. You can use both http and https, although we recommend enabling the https port to ensure the security of your connection.


  • http://[2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]:80
  • https://[2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]:443

INSTAR 2K+ cameras and DDNS

Every INSTAR 2K+ camera comes with an integrated DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name System) address that supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. This allows you to easily access your camera, regardless of whether you are using an IPv4 or IPv6 connection.

Example of a DDNS address:


Important notes on IPv6 port activation

Please note that when setting up an IPv6 port activation, the internal and external ports must be the same. We recommend enabling the HTTPS port (usually port 443) to ensure the security of your connection. Make sure that you enable this port correctly in your router.


IPv6 is the latest version of the Internet Protocol, which offers numerous advantages, including a larger address space and improved security. With SLAAC, devices can automatically receive IPv6 addresses, which simplifies network configuration. IPv6 addresses are hierarchical and can be accessed in the web browser by entering the address in square brackets. Thanks to the integrated DDNS addresses in our INSTAR 2K+ cameras, you can easily access your cameras via IPv4 and IPv6.

We hope that this article has helped you to better understand IPv6 and its benefits. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service.


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