720p Web User Interface

Network Menu


You have two ways to access your camera over the internet - the easy way is called P2P. The only way to get complete access to all your camera´s functions is called DDNS. The DDNS or Internet Address gives you access to your cameras web user interface.

Web User Interface - 720p Series - Network DDNS

Fig1. The DDNS Menu - Use your personal Internet Address to connect to your camera over the internet.

Video Settings
Activate INSTAR DDNSTo access your camera´s WebUI over the internet you have to activate your INSTAR DDNS Address. Please be aware that your camera might still be available over the DDNS address for a while, after you deactivated it. The access will be blocked once your internet service provider changes your WAN IP address - this usually happens once every 24hrs (and in some cases once you restarted your internet router).
INSTAR DDNS AddressThis is your personal Internet Access. You will be able to access your camera over this address once you forward your camera`s HTTP port.
QR CodeTo add your camera to our iPhone or Android app, you simply have to scan the QR code.
Activate Third Party DDNS (optional)If you don´t want to use your INSTAR DDNS Address, just add a Third-party DDNS Address. Please contact your Third-party provider for details.

Your camera comes with a personal DDNS Address - e.g. http://xxxx77.ddns-instar.de. Everything you need for a remote access to your camera is a Port Forwarding Rule in your router. You can access your camera afterwards through the internet using this http address. Please visit the DDNS section for detailed information on the Port Forwarding setup as well as video instruction for many common routers. Or refer to your router's user manual for further guidelines on how to set up a port forwarding rule.

Be Aware

Your camera will be accessible for everyone after you forwarded it inside your router. To prevent unwanted access, please make sure to change the user logins before you start forwarding the camera! The user logins can be adjusted in the User Menu.

In case you want to use an account from DYNDNS simply choose the third party service and type in your personal login credentials. By doing so you will temporarily deactivate your INSTAR DDNS address. In case you are using several cameras behind a single internet access point, please set up the third party address in only one of the cameras. Or if possible directly inside your router! All your cameras will be accessible through this address - just assign a unique HTTP port to every camera. For example, if camera 1 is assigned the HTTP port 85 and camera 2 the HTTP port 86, use myaddress.dyndns.org:85 to reach camera 1 and myaddresse.dyndns.org:86 to be forwarded to camera 2.