MQTT Alarmserver
We already set up BlueIris to update an MQTT Topic when an alarm is triggered by our camera (shortname black
). This MQTT Topic is BlueIris/MotionAlarm/8015black/
and the payload is 1
at the beginning of the alarm event and 0
once the events ended.
We can now access this data point in ioBroker and write a small Blockly Script to handle such events:
I now want to use this event to switch the camera into Fullscreen View when it triggered an alarm. I can do this with the BlueIris Admin Command Topic BlueIris/admin
and the two payloads camera=black&fullscreen=1
and camera=black&escape
in those payloads is the camera short name that I assigned to this camera in BlueIris - please substitute it with your cameras short name.
When the MQTT Topic BlueIris/MotionAlarm/8015black/
is updated with the payload 1
the camera with the short name black
will switch into fullscreen. It falls back into the standard multiview once the topic is updated back to 0
Controlling BlueIris with MQTT
Additionally, we can use the rest of the BlueIris Admin Command Topics to take control over BlueIris from the ioBroker Vis - for example we can start and stop the video recording for a camera with a radio button.
Start by creating a new Boolean Datapoint in ioBroker that should signify the state of the manual recording as true
or false
Select this button inside your Blockly Script:
And use it to start a recording when it is true
with the Admin Topic payload camera=black&manrec=1
and stop it on false
with camera=black&manrec=0
in those payloads is the camera short name that I assigned to this camera in BlueIris - please substitute it with your cameras short name.
Now add a radio button to your ioBroker Vis and assign it the boolean datapoint you created in the first step:
Now BlueIris will start recording when you toggle the switch:
Blockly Script Export
<xml xmlns="">
<block type="on_ext" id="5:E8z%?$kF2:_228=Fsl" x="-937" y="-1112">
<mutation items="1"></mutation>
<field name="CONDITION">ne</field>
<field name="ACK_CONDITION"></field>
<value name="OID0">
<shadow type="field_oid" id="7K},E#*On`zsq^jhPQ9v">
<field name="oid">mqtt.0.BlueIris.MotionAlarm.8015black</field>
<statement name="STATEMENT">
<block type="controls_if" id="2%z$7WDJUl-dSz+miU(-">
<value name="IF0">
<block type="logic_compare" id="9]pjLD{[W^26TPYM6liS">
<field name="OP">EQ</field>
<value name="A">
<block type="on_source" id="-?/H,NwcYjPh~{p`fc`~">
<field name="ATTR">state.val</field>
<value name="B">
<block type="text" id="hKDWmg?WzR9@$Wo4RHj5">
<field name="TEXT">1</field>
<statement name="DO0">
<block type="control" id="g@M?e*b1_8ezO{_(PUcP">
<mutation delay_input="false"></mutation>
<field name="OID">mqtt.0.BlueIris.admin</field>
<field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field>
<value name="VALUE">
<block type="text" id="u2H{{k$7nO+({(J4,2,C">
<field name="TEXT">camera=black&fullscreen=1</field>
<block type="controls_if" id="}uq*%|F/Nt=*`rn`|hV4">
<value name="IF0">
<block type="logic_compare" id="|x2u0AR*aTmVC=lfROzF">
<field name="OP">EQ</field>
<value name="A">
<block type="on_source" id="In|(S^y0YVoVN#Y^[.5m">
<field name="ATTR">state.val</field>
<value name="B">
<block type="text" id="uC/+7LgdO]A`UdHW*sHC">
<field name="TEXT">0</field>
<statement name="DO0">
<block type="control" id="K58]j^_|1M4|}D2aF?{u">
<mutation delay_input="false"></mutation>
<field name="OID">mqtt.0.BlueIris.admin</field>
<field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field>
<value name="VALUE">
<block type="text" id="13|%(`^fM,_w499|gkt-">
<field name="TEXT">camera=black&escape</field>
<block type="on_ext" id="Ei}KT7e($1cGLin{;UTm" x="-937" y="-812">
<mutation items="1"></mutation>
<field name="CONDITION">ne</field>
<field name="ACK_CONDITION"></field>
<value name="OID0">
<shadow type="field_oid" id="ln]r4[0V5_L!]U5KPfb@">
<field name="oid">mqtt.0.Vis.BlueIris_Black_Recording</field>
<statement name="STATEMENT">
<block type="controls_if" id=")cMCX)J;8M59C5H`Rli!">
<value name="IF0">
<block type="logic_compare" id="t53#:CqYz.mr75mrlYA:">
<field name="OP">EQ</field>
<value name="A">
<block type="on_source" id="dltx$H=ML^odTRKTDg_|">
<field name="ATTR">state.val</field>
<value name="B">
<block type="logic_boolean" id="91YBG0;5yLS/zYmx_;OE">
<field name="BOOL">TRUE</field>
<statement name="DO0">
<block type="control" id="PiTjfdeQA.nk^iRB#koj">
<mutation delay_input="false"></mutation>
<field name="OID">mqtt.0.BlueIris.admin</field>
<field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field>
<value name="VALUE">
<block type="text" id=")$.%lh([i}CH$zN+~]r7">
<field name="TEXT">camera=black&manrec=1</field>
<block type="controls_if" id="Im2Hbj,A0f3)]^CiE5]Z">
<value name="IF0">
<block type="logic_compare" id="WHPuRxbS%P[g|c(?/T)B">
<field name="OP">EQ</field>
<value name="A">
<block type="on_source" id="GqIv8M.dGKe%zW-(CzGz">
<field name="ATTR">state.val</field>
<value name="B">
<block type="logic_boolean" id="PT)u9X[u)2vObE%^zBR4">
<field name="BOOL">FALSE</field>
<statement name="DO0">
<block type="control" id="!{Xp%f@G0yYXd$svb})Z">
<mutation delay_input="false"></mutation>
<field name="OID">mqtt.0.BlueIris.admin</field>
<field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field>
<value name="VALUE">
<block type="text" id="F[;Bz;NO72gV|)$HN3Fu">
<field name="TEXT">camera=black&manrec=0</field>