INSTAR Deutschland GmbHINSTAR Deutschland GmbH

BlueIris Version 5

If you want to use your INSTAR MQTT camera to connect with the BlueIris MQTT service, please follow this link: Blue Iris and INSTAR MQTT.

Blue Iris Setup

You can download the BlueIris v5 Software from here. Double-click the file and install the software on your system. Start the software and click on the menu icon next to the BlueIris logo to add your camera:

Blue Iris for your INSTAR IP Camera

Add a name for your camera and a shortname. Select Network IP as camera type and click on OK:

Blue Iris for your INSTAR IP Camera

Note: The shortname is part of the URL that we will later need to access our cameras live video as well as sending MQTT commands to BlueIris to interact with our camera.

Type in your cameras IP address, the admin login and select the correct INSTAR Preset. Make sure that you set the RTSP Port (default 554) and ONVIF Port (default 8080) according to your camera configuration:

Blue Iris for your INSTAR IP Camera

Continue adding all your cameras. Select a camera port to take control over it's Pan&Tilt functions - including preset positions. Double click a port to view the camera in full view:

Blue Iris for your INSTAR IP Camera

Configure the BlueIris Webserver

To use the Webserver we first have to create a user account. This can be done in the Software Settings:

Blue Iris for your INSTAR IP Camera

Go to Users and click to add a new user by typing in a username and password:

Blue Iris for your INSTAR IP Camera

Now switch to the Web Server tab, enable the HTTP Service and set a HTTP Port, e.g. 8181, you want to use to access the BlueIris Dashboard:

Blue Iris for your INSTAR IP Camera

Under Advanced you can deactivate the login page (this activates the basic authentication) and whitelist IP address you want to be able to access the BlueIris Dashboard:

Blue Iris for your INSTAR IP Camera

Type in the address of your Windows PC (that runs BlueIris), add the port that you just defined and log in with your BlueIris user account:

Blue Iris for your INSTAR IP Camera

The BlueIris Dashboard gives you access to your cameras live streams, pan&tilt function as well as allowing you to preview alarm recordings:

Blue Iris for your INSTAR IP Camera

Access to the live video of one camera or all cameras

If you want to integrate the live video of your camera into a third party software, you can also do this directly. For example, if you have the BlueIris user user/password and the Dashboard is running on the IP, you can access the video directly using the following URLs:

  • http://user:password@
  • http://user:password@

  • http://user:password@
  • http://user:password@

With Index at the end of the URL you get an overview of all cameras. If you replace the Index with the short name of a camera, you will only see the live video of this camera.