INSTAR Deutschland GmbHINSTAR Deutschland GmbH

IN-Route P52 - First Steps

Quick Access

3G Mode

The IN-Routes home screen gives you three buttons that allow you to quickly adjust the router to your needs, without having to dig in to the configuration user interface. In the following we will go through all of the three router modes that are here, for you too choose from. You have a 3G dongle for mobile internet access but want to use it with more then just one device? Just plug it into the IN-Routes USB port and open the 3G Router Mode configuration.

IN-Route P52 Portable Router Plug in your 3G USB dongle into your IN-Route...

IN-Route P52 Portable Router ...then choose the 3G Router mode from the Home Screen.

IN-Route P52 Portable Router Type in the dial-up information you received from your mobile internet provider and apply the configuration. You now turned your IN-Route P52 into a internet Hotspot for your network devices.