INSTAR Deutschland GmbHINSTAR Deutschland GmbH

IOBroker on Raspberry Pi

ioBroker (ioBroker Website, Github) is an integration platform for the Internet of Things, focused on Building Automation, Smart Metering, Ambient Assisted Living, Process Automation, Visualization and Data Logging. Control your INSTAR IP camera with your Raspberry Pi. The following are a few tutorials that will show how to integrate your INSTAR IP camera into the automation system.

To be able to communicate with our camera, we are going to translate its CGI Command Interface to a M2M (Machine-to-Machine) communication protocol called MQTT using the Node-RED.

ioBroker runs in the Node.js Runtime and is OS-agnostic - it can be installed under most operating systems - we are going to show the installation process under Windows below. But ioBroker is clearly meant to be run on a Raspberry Pi (Rev3).

ioBroker Tutorials