P2P Cam Live
To access your IP camera with the iOS App P2P Cam Live we recommend that you first download the newest version from the app store. Use the search words "P2PCam Live" to find our app inside the app store.
Search for your P2P camera inside your local network
Launch P2P Cam Live on your iPhone or iPad, click on the Add Camera button and search for P2P cameras on your local network. Select the camera you want to add and type in a camera name and your administrator password for the camera´s login. Click on Save in the top right corner to add your camera.

Fig1. Let the software search for P2P cameras on your local area network and select the camera you want to add.

Fig2. Type in a name and your admin password for the camera. Then click on Save to add your camera.
Access your cameras live stream
Click the Camera button to go back to the camera list view. Select your camera to open its live stream. You can use the buttons below to take snapshots, record videos or activate the audio stream.

Fig3. Click on the Camera button to go back to the camera list. Select your camera to open its live stream.

Fig4. Click on the media buttons in the lower left corner to take snapshots, record a video or activate the audio stream.
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